It’s that time of year where kitchens are filled with the smell of baking cookies. Or so I hear. I didn’t grow up with the tradition of baking cookies for the holidays. I’ve never really been much a baker either. I’m sure my Uncle would love to tell you the story of the first time I tried to bake some cookies for him. Maybe that experience had something to do with me not really enjoying the task of baking.
Now that I’ve entered the land of Mommyville my kids are asking to bake cookies for Santa. I hear other Moms talking about the cookies they are making so I’m attempting to shift gears a bit. I have the supplies all lined up to do some special Santa baking this weekend. I’ll also be attending a cookie exchange.
It’s similar to
the soup swap I did last winter. I’ve participated in a cookie exchange before and it’s really the best way to get a beautiful tray of cookies with out having to do all the work your self. Depends on how many people are in the exchange group. Usually 8 to 12 other people. So you pick one cookie to make and you bake enough of that one cookie recipe so that each person gets 10 to 12 of those cookies. The others in the exchange all do the same with different recipes. After you all trade off you end up with several dozen cookies all yummy and looking so festive on your holiday table.
When I first mentioned the cookie exchange to my
Canadian friend Mary, she fired back an e-mail with tons of great recipes. (Thanks girly!) I’ll be trying some of those with the kiddos. Another friend (knowing my lack of confidence in this area) also made a recipe suggestion. (Thanks Nancy!)
This year I made thumbprints. Raspberry with white chocolate drizzled on top.
I think they look pretty good, I hope they taste good too. Now if I can just get my Christmas cards in the mail I might start to feel accomplished.
What do you do to get ready for the season?