Friday, April 24, 2009

Hubby reads my blog

I walked into the closet the other day and got one of those strange feelings that something was different. Then I look up to the top shelf and… WHAT the?!?!
Apparently Hubby is reading my blog. Remember my post about folding sweaters?
In that post, I strategically cropped the photo to omit his shelf for obvious reasons. Well, low and behold, the man who can walk past the dirty socks on the floor like 20 times now has a neat and tidy sweater shelf.

Go figure???

And on another note...

What's a Lariat???
Don’t forget to check out my YouTube video below.


Put on your leg warmers and I'll see you at the Virtual Girls Night Out over at Ann’s place…cheers!



Unknown said...

My husband needs some lessons. Happy VGNO

Kris said...

Hmmm maybe I better put some tips and lessons on my blog for hubby. Although heaven forbid he ever read the thing!

Happy VGNO!

Elizabeth D. said...

Happy VGNO! What pretty lariats! My husband used to religiously read my blog when it first started, but now he's fallen behind, as he's too busy working all the time. I guess now would be a good time to post my complaints...hmm...

I am Harriet said...

Now that's funny :)

Happy VGNO

Lagean Ellis said...

Works better than asking, huh?

Mandala Michelle said...

I don't think I want my hubby looking at my blog but I may send him to yours. Happy VGNO

Julie from JulieChats said...

Isn't it nice when your posts "reach out & touch people"....especially in your own home?!

Stopping by from Ann's VGNO!

raquel roysdon said...

I just knew he was reading it, hahah. Good straightened that matter right up didn't it, hahahah too funnie. Happy VGNO!

Susan English Mason said...

It looks as though I might be able to pull off a couple of those knots.

Happy VGNO!

Military Momz said...

Have a wonderful weekend! Happy VGNO! My husband is OCD about stuff like that. He makes a a great "wife" LOL.

Anonymous said...

Don't you get nervous when the hubs reads the blog??? I'll have to come back and see wht the lariets are. Happy VGNO

Opus #6 said...

Awww, that is SWEET! What a man! Happy VGNO!

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Happy VGNO

Native American Momma said...

My hubby reads my blog and then tells me I should have put a comma somewhere. I like your hubby's reaction much better!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes they do listen...but will it stay that way?

Happy VGNO!

Leslie said...

My husband says my blog is boring! He says he doesn't "get it". I like it that way!

Happy VGNO!

Kat said...

Wow! I wish my husband was that perceptive :)

Happy VGNO!!

Mary K Brennan said...

My Hubby is also a closet blogger reader. Every now and then he mentions something I wrote that week. It makes me smile to know he cares so much. The sweater picture is priceless. Have a great VGNO!

Jaime said...

hmm... i always wonder if hubby reads my blog.

happy vgno

Hit 40 said...

Oh my heavens... should I post what turns me on for my hubby? because he is obviously not learning when I verbally tell him?

Tom enjoys my blog and asks me to post things for him. He likes to read the comments. I think he, my sister, and friend susie should just join our cult - and make their own blog!!!

Happy VGNO!!!

Elaine at Lipstickdaily said...

You mean all you have to do is get him to read your blog and everything becomes tidy and organized?!!!!

Ali said...

That is so funny! I know my hubby has looked at my blog before, maybe I should drop subtle hints...hmmm... =) Happy VGNO!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! That's funny! Maybe you should start leaving more subtle hints on your blog!

~Sandy~ said...

see...they can be trained! Happy VGNO :O)

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

Hubby did a great job getting those sweaters folded!
Have a wonderful weekend.

Stacy Uncorked said...

That is way too funny! If my hubby read my blog, I would absolutely put some subtle (or not so subtle) hints for him in there...LOL! ;)

Happy VGNO!

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you T! I knew that you were my FAVORITE son-in-law......Oh! That's right, YOU'RE my only son-in-law. Keep reading Mamma's Blog. You just never know what you will learn. LOVE, MIMI

Alexis AKA MOM said...

Too flippin funny, my hubby did the same when I posted pictures of his dirty closet .. one way to get them motivated :).