Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mommy's medicine cabinet on the go.

Summer time and kids go hand-in-hand with the occasional “boo-boo”. Summer usually means you're on the go more too. With trips planed and kids unpredictable it gives me a little peace of mind to know I can make “all better” even if we’re not at home.

You know I love to save my wipe bins to organize and I’m sure you’ve seen more than one post about me using google images.

Surprisingly, I found an unused bin. After 2 minutes on the computer I had a first aid kit ready to go.

(Pull up Google, click images, then type in what you need. Right click on that image and “copy”. Then open a word document. Right click and “paste”. Print. Cut out. Tape. All set!)

I pulled my most used items out of the medicine cabinet and I’m ready for the traveling brush burn or other minor injury.

Oh don’t worry I have a bottle of wine to cure Mommy’s boo-boos.
What are your on-the-go tips????


Intense Guy said...

Since I have to take pills daily - I have a daily pill thing.

But my tip is this... Always, always pack a couple extra days - you never know when you might get delayed somewhere - and have all the prescriptions written on a paper to in your wallet/purse.

I can't tell you how many times that "extra day or two" has been neccessary.

Heather said...

Lovely - I wish I was as organized as you! You're such an inspiration!